Our Knowledge Hub

August 18, 2023
An Interview with Klaris Law's Alexia Bedat by The Podcast Business Journal
Klaris Partner Alexia Bedat interviewed by the Podcast Business Journal on podcast and audio deal making
July 28, 2023
Going Meta: An Article on Artificial Intelligence by Artificial Intelligence
Louise Carron writes with the assistance of artificial intelligence about its impact on the creative industries and its legal ramifications.
February 17, 2023
Hermès Wins NFT Lawsuit: “MetaBirkins” Creator Left Holding the Bag
Lance Koonce and Louise Carron speak on whether traditional IP and free speech laws and precedent apply in the context of NFTs, and if their application mean the end of NFTs as an art form.
June 12, 2022
Podcasting Comes to Hollywood
Alexia Bedat advises podcast creators to learn the lessons of Hollywood contracts and to seek deals that build on the unique strengths of the new medium.
May 3, 2022
Why the Podcast Business Won’t Turn Into The Film/TV Business
Alexia Bedat writes about the current state of podcast deals and why such deals are unlikely to replicate film/tv deals.
April 19, 2022
Alex Jones’ Infowars Bankruptcy
Ed Klaris discusses the Infowars bankruptcy and its impact on the ongoing defamation lawsuits against its founder Alex Jones after calling 2012 Sandy Hook elementary school shooting a “hoax.”
Featured Article
April 28, 2023
No Monkey Business Allowed: Court in Yuga Labs v. Ripps Case Finds Purported “Appropriation Art” NFTs Infringing, and That NFTs are Digital “Goods”
What is it with apes, IP, and technology? See Klaris attorneys Lance Koonce and Louise Carron's analysis of Yuga Labs, Inc. v. Ripps, et al.
February 1, 2025
Karen Read judge rules in favor of Boston Magazine, the “free flow of information”
Robert Bertsche
Prosecutors demanded off-the-record notes from an investigative reporter in a high-profile Massachusetts murder case.
April 5, 2024
Inside Big Tech's underground race to buy AI training data
Edward Klaris
In this article from Reuters, get a glimpse into Big Tech’s quiet licensing deals with content providers, in which Ed Klaris is quoted.
March 2, 2024
When an Artist Dies, Who Owns Her Story?
Edward Klaris
When true events are fictionalized, do storytellers violate the rights of the real-life subjects or betray their audiences? Ed Klaris and The New York Times took this question on around Ana Mendieta.
January 25, 2024
The Karen Read Story Continues: Judge Keeps ‘Off the Record’ Interview Confidential
Robert Bertsche
In the high-profile Massachusetts murder case, a recent court ruling favors press freedoms across the state. Klaris lawyers Rob Bertsche, Gili Karev, and Mariella Salazar represented the magazine.
January 17, 2024
Why Bill Ackman’s Case Against Business Insider Is a Fantasy
Edward Klaris
Ed Klaris comes to the defense of the media in a New York Magazine interview on whether Bill Ackman has a case against Business Insider regarding a potential defamation suit on behalf of his wife.
January 3, 2024
Artificial intelligence faces more legal challenges
Edward Klaris
Ed Klaris speaks with NPR about The New York Times' copyright lawsuit against OpenAI and legal challenges to the development and use of generative AI.
Featured Post
March 15, 2023
TPA Masterclass: Going Global - A Panel Discussion on the International Podcast Deal Making Scene
Alexia Bedat speaks at The Podcast Academy panel in March 2023 in Going Global - a panel on international deal making which addresses current trends in international markets, the kinds of podcasting deals happening now, and how to navigate international IP issues.
July 9, 2023
How NFTs are Reshaping IP and the Content Economy
At Consensus 2023, Lance Koonce explores the long-term implications of tying digitized transferable assets to works of art and media and how NFTs (non-fungible tokens) are reshaping intellectual property and the content economy.
May 5, 2023
The Unfinished Revolution: NFTs as Digital Property Rights - Lance Koonce at NFT.NYC 2023
Lance Koonce discusses the intersection of intellectual property and blockchain technology at NFT NYC 2023
December 5, 2022
The New Hit Factory - Podcasts and Audiobooks
Alexia Bedat speaks on a panel at the RightsTech Summit in September 2022 in a panel discussion laying out what creators, performers, and rights owners should know when it comes to developing content for audiobooks and podcasts.
October 25, 2022
Paris Podcast Festival Pro 2022 | Le podcast produit d’exportation
Alexia Bedat speaking at the Paris Podcast Festival in November 2022 on the differences between the US and French podcast markets and opportunities for collaboration.
March 19, 2022
Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and the Global Art Trade: Disruptor or Empowerment?
Louise Carron speaks about NFTs in the global art trade with the World Affairs Council of Maine in March 2022.
February 21, 2020